5 types of toxic people you should avoid

We can’t just wake up and suspend people in our lives, but we surely can recognize the toxic ones and keep our distance. It’s crucial to be cognizant of the people around us. 

1. Dishonest

Honesty may not be the best policy always, but it is ideal in most times. There’s no-one worse than a dishonest person who lies frequently. I would place back biters in this category. Back biters are the sophisticated version of dishonest people and are a step ahead. They would lie to your face and talk behind your back. 

2. Rigid

These are the people who don’t fathom beyond their point of view. This is a person who would neither agree to your opinion nor will they let you have that opinion. They are aggressive and lack acceptance. These are people with a fixed mindset of right and wrong, anything which doesn’t fit their idea is already offensive. Rigid people fancy trolling because anytime they see something that they don’t approve of, they become nasty and mean.

3. Dramatic

All of us want our lives to be happening. But some fear monotonous life so much that they take the charge and create drama to derive pleasure. They would have a problem with almost everything. They have an emotional range of a teaspoon. Their tone, the facial expression is unpredictable and scary. Often they would use being emotional as an excuse to put up with that much drama. They are obnoxious and throw around tantrums. 

4. Control freak

They are nightmares and would like to govern everything. This is because they have obsessive needs to exercise control over matters. These people rarely do accept their mistake. A control freak judges people around them and always tries to correct what they believe is wrong. They pretend that they care is the reason they try to control you which is untrue .In reality, they are sweet until you abide by their pursuit. 

5. Tale-tellers

Ever experienced this -you tell someone a secret, ask them not to tell anyone. They tell that to someone else and ask them to do the same. That person then tells to someone and the chain carry on.
It’s hard to keep a secret for plenty of us, but there are few who would let out the secrets of even their closest associate. They have loved storytelling since they were in primary school so much that they have brushed their skills further. 
It is tragic to trust them. They would seem the most trustworthy, but just on face value.


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