5 steps to understand yourself truly

The copious labels that we put onto ourselves, limit our growth. We don't see ourselves beyond boxes that we or the people around us confine us to. Career, money, looks, and religion are the only parameters we use to judge ourselves and get judged. That is how much we comprehend. We undermine our potential and subconsciously absorb what others think of us. If someone labels us as hideous, our mind gives us more than a hundred reasons instantly to believe it. Likewise, when we are deemed smart, we absorb it. We get so lazy that we don't even look within or analyze what we are. Most of us have fixed patterns. Some think too highly of themselves and overlook their shortcomings. Others undermine themselves so much that they forget all their gifts.

Here are five things that determine us the best among all the chaos.

1. We are what we hide

The parts of us that we rarely share.The chunks that we treasure and not display. Our secrets, our talents that we are too shy to enhance, our pasts, and our desires for the future. We hide everything dear to us so much that we forget them ourselves. They hint to the most vulnerable parts of us. Everyone is possessive of their secrets. Everything that a person keeps confidential can provide rare glimpses to their reality. 

2. Choices

Our life is the chain of choices that we make. The moment we are awake, we are bombarded with options. All of us would react differently to the same situation. The way we choose to respond to different circumstances, the opportunities that we decline, and those that we accept, all of this makes a person. The choice that we make today determine our future. We must understand the pattern we follow in making our choices. For example, when it comes to financing, do you always tend to spend extravagantly or you choose what saves most of your money. 

3. Journey

Change is the only constant. Chances are we are a whole different version of what we were ten years ago. We are changing every day. The growth that we have witnessed and the ways we have groomed ourselves says a lot about us. The best way to see where we are heading is to look at our graphs and compare ourselves to what we were yesterday. That would also give the joy to comprehend how far you have come and all that we have overcome.   

4.Our interactions 

The way we treat people around us and the reactions we give to problems that someone faces fathom a lot about us. The way someone treats their close ones as well as unfamiliar ones, tells a lot about a person. Do we diss about people behind their backs? Do we create unnecessary drama in the name of being emotional? The way we treat our subordinates and people who don't benefit us says a lot about our essence.


There are so many things that are wrong around us. Certain things bother us more. There are few causes that we feel for and want to contribute and change. Some are concerned and feel discomfort when they see someone bullying the other. Some want to stand up for women's rights while some worry for the poor. While you may be bothered when you see any kind of wrong, some wrongdoing concerns us more. Our empathy for those around us and our desire to bring change defines us.


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