Is life tougher for men than most women today?

Both the sexes have it hard, no one's life is easy or no one is free of problems, but the issues that men face are often not discussed or spoken about.

The whole idea of "being a man" is vague and ancient. When norms are changing so rapidly for women, we still have the same ideas when it comes to a man. I feel that in this whole act of feminism, the struggle of guys is not being talked about. Men are still expected to do all the work, be the bread earner for the family, run errands, impress women, and not complain about any of it.

They are expected not to project their emotions and always conceal them. Toxic masculinity stops them from turning up to a male friend, therapy, or parents for any kind of emotional support. Forcing them to become "emotional gold diggers", looking for all the emotional support and intimacy from a woman.They have to deal with rejection throughout their lives. Though safety is majorly considered an issue for women, men too are prone to substance, physical or domestic abuse but are ridiculed when they call upon it.

Even when it comes to a relationship men are always supposed to make the first move, compromise more, and bear all the tantrums of their partner. The way cinema promotes men to give it all just to pursue a woman who doesn't even recognize there presence. (movies like Raanjhanaa).Even after being heartbroken, they are not supposed to cry about it(and are a sissy if they do so). They always get less attention than women, and rarely get any compliment.

Our belief in something should not hamper us from recognizing the struggle of someone else, not lead us to blatantly blame the other person. All of us deserve love and support.


  1. Yeah i know that life of mens are real tough as compared to women. But, let me tell you the real truth.
    No boobs? Dang. Grow some.
    Boobs? You are so vulgar. Cover yourself.
    No booty? Everyone will laugh.
    Booty? Attentions seeker. You are showing off.
    Short? You need to wear heels.
    Tall? How can you be taller than your man? Huh?
    Skinny? No one likes a boney woman.
    Chubby? No body likes a fat woman.
    Makeup? That’s not real you.
    No makeup? Don’t be lazy. Take care of your body.
    Dark complexion? “Nobody will marry her.”- Society.
    Fair complexion? Long queue behind you.
    No contact with boys? Too much ego.
    Contact with boys? Slut.
    Office promotion? Must have slept with boss.
    Wearing shorts/ jeans/ saree or anything? Rape.
    I can go on. There are endless points.
    Being a girl is very hard indeed.And these comments of the society are far more abusive than what we men actually face.
    But i agree to your point that yeah we men always supposed to make the first move, compromise more and bear all the tantrums of their partner.

    1. Men and women both have there own sets of problem. The problem is the issues of men are never really talked about, with the assumption that men are "strong" and women "fragile".

  2. Very true but may be not applicable to all men. I think, it depends on the guy whether he like to live according to the ridiculous norms created by society or not. It's true that everyone will judge you at your every step, so it depends whether u can cope up with that and live your life true to yourself.
    Btw, nice article. Carry on..

    1. That's true but all the men and even women are hampered due to such norms and ideas. Also,not everyone is bold enough to follow there own heart and give in to such standards set by our lovable society.


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